Reproductive Genetics

Agilent on Reproductive Genetics

Agilent Technologies Extends Collaboration on Reproductive Genetics New Two-Year Agreement with Belgian University to Focus on Detecting Genetic Abnormalities in Cell-free DNA and Embryo Biopsies   Agilent Technologies Inc. today announced that it is extending its collaboration with the Centre for Human Genetics of the University of Leuven and the University Hospital of Leuven in…

Diagnostech 2 for 3

Diagnostech Cloning Promotion

Agilent Cloning 3 for 2 promotion We’ll get you stocked up and ready to go with our 3 for 2 promotion. Buy three of the same listed items, and we’ll give you the third one FREE! Promotion runs for October 19th to November 22nd 2017.    The items below are covered by the promotion.  …